Saturday, June 16, 2007

Tickled pink...

We went back today for a 2nd look at that house - That bathroom is severely pink! That is not a color I would ever agree to paint a room, but she likes it - lol.


a said...

Uhm yep. Severely pink. It would help me wake up in the mornings I guess :) LOL.

theotherlion said...

I begged and begged my parents to let me repaint my room when I was about 8 years old. I think I picked the same color as those people did. We tried to lighten it with white paint, but it still just looked like a bottle of Pepto Bismal spilled all over the walls.

Anonymous said...

Holy glows!! LOL

Kristiem10 said...

Aww, but look at that face! She's soooo happy!